Friday, 26 April 2013

The waiting - April 26th 2013

Ok so I thought i'd start a blog about the waiting the trying and the pregnancy. I thought it would be nice to look back on in the years to come.

Ok so my first baby was born 8 weeks ago. I had to be induced with him at 36 weeks and 4 days, He had IUGR and as a result stopped growing, He weighed 4lb 6oz when we was born, he had problems trying to control his blood sugar levels and his temp, but luckly was aloud home just 2 days after his birth. He gets weighed weekly at his last weigh in he was 5lb 14oz. He's doing pretty well for a premi.

Anyway because of how long it took to fall pregnant with our son we said we wanted to try when he's 3 months old, i had a EMCS so thought that it might delay us trying again. when I went for my 6 PP check we spoke about protecting and when i said i didn't want to go on the pill because it took 25 month to fall pregnant with my son and that because of that we want to start trying again when he's 3 months the doctor didn't saying anything about not doing it, he didn't say anything actaully. So we've taken that as a green light to go. That dose mean that we will start trying again in 4 weeks. May 23rd is our start date.

Quite a few people will think i'm crazy for trying so soon, even more so because my baby has IUGR and because i had a EMCS. But we want more.

At first we said we'd have 4 children but have now changed that to 2, because of hubby's job it means having to move every few years and thats not fair on children having to keep starting to new schools and making new friends. We are hoping for a girl next so then we'd have one of each. I just know they next one is not going to be a chilled as my son is.

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