Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The pregnancy - June 25th 2013


This is morning I went to the doctors and got my pregnancy confirmed. My doctor put me at 5 weeks 3 days as they have to go my last period. They can't got by ovulation because using OPKs doesn't tell exactly when you ovulated only that you might. I have my first midwife appointment all booked for July 18th, the day before my birthday. It's going to be a long one as it's a booking appointment and they have to take so many details. When I was pregnant with my little one, the appointment took over an hour. I was so glad I booked that day off work, it would have meant I would have been late.
I remember the first time I threw up when I pregnant with my son. It was as we were pulling into the car park of the hospital for my 12 week scan. I was so glad that I had brought a plastic bag with me. Seeing my baby made me feel so much better, even if I did get sent away to go and get something to eat and drink.

That's a point I need to get something to drink, A nice orange juice should do the trick.

mmmm nice and cold.

Apart from my appointment this morning and going into Wilkos I have not actually done much, Gave the living room a week tidy but that's about it.

As tomorrow it Wednesday I don't usually do anything so i'm not sure if it's worth writing everyday when all my days are pretty much the same thing. Saying that I might do just because it gives me something to do for all of 5 minutes, not even that most of the time.
I think I will join my hubby and play worms 2.

see ya 

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