Tuesday, 4 June 2013

The trying - June 4th 2013

As today is Tuesday and because little one was not weighed last week he got weighed this week. He is now 9lb 11oz, and he's adjusted chart he's now on the 2nd centile line. if they don't adjust it he's still below the 0.4 centile line.

That was this morning, this afternoon I met another 2 ladies from my patch. We went to a cafĂ© close by and wished we didn't the food there was not very nice, the customer service could have been better. I didn't like the idea of paying once you've had what you ordered, things like that should stay with restaurants, not cafes. They took forever to actually give you an order unless is was a cold can. They weren't even busy. Oh well I still enjoyed myself, as shy as I am it's nice to meet new people.

At lunch time I had a text from hubby asking if I wanted to move closer to his base, it would benefit him by being closer to work and using less fuel, but where little one has to get weighed every 2 weeks and has to see the doctor every month and with my confidence issues and only just starting to meet people we decided its not worth it. He's due another posting in 2 years so theres not much point in moving now or in a few months just to move again at the end of his posting.

Now hubby is home and is asleep on the chair holding a coat hanger.
I'll see if I can post a photo at the end of todays post.

So hubby is asleep snoring and little one is asleep next to me also snoring. like father like son. While I was at baby weigh in this morning quite a few ladies commented one my sons eyes, saying how lovely they were, they then looked at mine and tried to work out what colour they are. Mine are a greeny blue my little one has dark blue eyes, hubby has light blue eyes. I so hope my little one keeps his eye colour I love them, and I know he's going to end up being a flirt when he is older.

Ok heres my hubby asleep holding a coat hanger. I have removed the photo due to the safey welfare of him and other forces members.

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