Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The trying - June 18th 2013

Views seem to be falling, I must be getting boring haha.
Anyway almost forgot to do my post today. Little one got weighed today he's now 10lb 9oz. He's getting there, He's still on 5oz bottles, but the health visitor says as long as his gaining weight then it's fine.

Actually managed to do a fair bit of house work today, little one slept the whole time, well most of it. managed to tidy the kitchen and clean the sides, sorted out some washing and put a load on. It was when I was folding the washing that he decided he's wake up and  want to play.
He is now currently sleeping with his arms in the air.

So now the TMI part of the blog.
I am 11DPO, my CM has increased again but my temps have gone down again. This morning is was 36.7. Cervix I actually checked it is high firm and closed. but not due on for another 3 days and I have no idea what its meant to feel like before AF or for pregnancy.
Symptoms for 11DPO
Backache - Not as bad as it has been but still pretty saw
Nausea - Only when I had a stake slice earlier and a little bit now.
Cramp - Some feel a little like AF the one I am currently feeling is in my right ovary area and feels like a pinching feeling
CM - increased and creamy

Pregnancy test are still coming up a faint positive although they show in the time limit I fairly sure they are evaps because of that I am giving testing a break tomorrow, or at least try to.  

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